Centrul de zi “Serbia”
Proiectul "Înființarea și dotarea centrului de zi și implementarea unor programe sociale pentru copii de etnie romă din localitatea Glodeni, județul Mureș" în perioada implementării a avut drept scop înființarea (construirea unei clădiri noi) și dotarea unui centru de zi amplasat pe un teren alocat de Comuna Glodeni, precum și reducerea decalajului social și economic între comunitatea romă "Serbia" și restul comunității din satul Glodeni.
About the program
The goal description:
"To build and equip the Full-time Education Centre and to be able to keep social programs for Roma children in Gloden, in the county of Mures" financing the application by the local tender RO10 "Children and Youth at Risk and Local and Regional Initiatives to Reduce National Inequalities and to Promote Social Inclusion" - (CORAI) supports the achievement of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014.
General objective
The overall objective is to reduce the social and economic gap between Roma "Serbia" and rest of the village community by establishing and equipping Glodeni day care center in the community and implementation of integrated activities.
The project contributes to the overall objective of the program and the expected results by reducing the social and economic gap between Roma and the rest of society at the local level, in the village of Glodeni. The expected results of the program, such as improving school attendance and raise awareness on the importance of education, especially among Roma families, are included in the present project.